Alan Ronaldo Cuyuch
posted a week ago
Qué bueno
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Mayra Vargas
posted a week ago
wonderful service
Teresa Nataren
posted a week ago
Bueno yo tengo un casa ya ase anos y todavia no sale nada con mi hija pero el si es muy buen abogado me gusta porque no te miente para sacarte el dinero y edy muy exelente ella me ayudo muchisimo y no puedo dejar de darle 5 estrellas a Kevin el a sido de Mucha ayuda para mi familia y ♥️ la verdad que todos
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Well, I have a house for years and still nothing is going on with my daughter but he is a very good lawyer. I like him because he doesn't lie to you to get money from you and Edy is very excellent, she helped me a lot and I can't help but give 5 stars to him. Kevin has been a lot of help to my family and ♥️ the truth is that everyone
Paty Rivera
posted 4 years ago
Yessenia J Enamorado mendoza
posted 2 months ago
Beatriz Galeana
posted 4 months ago
Rosario Cedillo
posted 4 months ago
Agradecida con el equipo de Gino Mesa, en especial a la Señorita Edis, quien fue la persona que estuvo conmigo en todo mi proceso.
Como todo caso nada fue fácil, desde un principio hablaron con mi padre y fueron sinceros, jamás le dieron esperanzas falsas, le explicaron que mi caso era un 50/50 de probabilidad.
Hoy puedo decir que todo valió la pena, hoy escribo este comentario con mi visa en mano, fue un proceso de petición y agradecida con la vida porque fui aprobada.
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Grateful to the Gino Mesa team, especially to Miss Edis, who was the person who was with me throughout my entire process.
Like any case, nothing was easy, from the beginning they spoke with my father and were sincere, they never gave him false hopes, they explained to him that my case was a 50/50 probability.
Today I can say that everything was worth it, today I write this comment with my visa in hand, it was a petition process and I am grateful to life because I was approved.
posted 4 months ago
I really recommend this Law Firm, they're are very helpful and also very fast. Thank you so much.!
Benito lara
posted 4 months ago
El Abogado Gino Meza me ayudo a agarrar mi Residencia a Mi y mi Esposa, lo recomiendo por experiencia propia sin dejar de lado que tambien años atras ayudo a mi Cuñado y a mis Suegros a arreglar sus residencias, tambien pongo por delante que el Abogado Gino te habla con la verdad, Claro Humilde y Sincero en el Si y en el No,, te recomiendo ati que estas leyendo esto si vas con el hablale con la verdad sin esconder nada dile todas tus dudas y tus miedos que te detienen a seguir un caso, dile todo se sincero en todo y asi el puede decirte si se puede hacer algo con tu caso de acuerdo mi experiencia y lo mejor de todo es que la primer consulta es Gratis, llama y has tu consulta nada pierdes por informarte acerca de tu situacion migratoria,,si crees que ya puedes arreglar no lo dejes para mañana recuerda que las leyes podrian cambiar y aique aprovechar la oportunidad si la tienes,, Y recuerda simpre que hay un DIOS que puede cambiar las cosas para bien,,Saludos, y Bendiciones,,
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Lawyer Gino Meza helped me and my wife get my Residence, I recommend him from my own experience without leaving aside that years ago he also helped my Brother-in-law and my In-laws to fix their residences, I also put forward that Lawyer Gino helped you Speak with the truth, Clear, Humble and Sincere in Yes and No, I recommend to you who are reading this, if you go to him, speak with the truth without hiding anything, tell him all your doubts and your fears that stop you from pursuing a case. Tell him everything, be honest in everything and so he can tell you if something can be done with your case according to my experience and the best of all is that the first consultation is free, call and make your consultation, you lose nothing by informing yourself about your situation. immigration,, if you think you can fix it, don't leave it for tomorrow, remember that the laws could change and so take advantage of the opportunity if you have it,, And always remember that there is a GOD who can change things for the better,, Greetings, and Blessings ,,
Hanna Martinez
posted 5 months ago
Jenn Rodriguez
posted 5 months ago
Gaste mi tiempo y dinero con el abogado meza, el y su gente no me ayudó para nada. Comencé el proceso yo sola y gracias a Dios después de un año tengo mi residencia mientras el trabajo por casi 6 años y no hiso nada. No lo recomiendo para nada 👎🏻
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I spent my time and money with lawyer Meza, he and his people did not help me at all. I started the process alone and thank God after a year I have my residence while I worked for almost 6 years and did nothing. I don't recommend it at all 👎🏻
Alan Pérez
posted 5 months ago
Great experience, I recommend it night help my father become resident.
Estela Magbual
posted 5 months ago
The Gino Mesa Law firm and his team were great. My case took a long time due to Covid, but everyone in his team did an amazing job getting every package ready, and I got approval for each application sent. A big shout out to Edis Simon, who was always very patient when I was getting all the documents together and always provided guidance. She is very dedicated and humble, definitely a keeper.
Paula Munoz
posted 6 months ago
Once again, Gino Mesa and his team Nancy Vega, process our documents for another case and it was very fast and effective. Still waiting on USCIS for their response but Gino and his team process all my documents in less than a day
Cristina J
posted 6 months ago
Argentina Matute
posted 6 months ago
Muchas personas me lo recomendaron así que con la ayuda de Dios y la del abogado se ara todo bueno
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Many people recommended it to me so with the help of God and the lawyer everything will work out.
Gloria Posadas
posted 7 months ago
Nosotros estamos con el abogado desde hase 26 años tenemos casos resueltos y pensaré continuando con el!! El siempre nos has dicho la verdad y nunca nos a mentido… todos los que trabajan aquí siempre nos dan buenas atenciones y Kevin siempre muy amable con nosotros y hasta la mama!! Lo recomiendo al abogado con los ojos cerrados !
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We have been with the lawyer for 26 years, we have resolved cases and I will plan to continue with him!! He has always told us the truth and he has never lied to us... everyone who works here always gives us good attention and Kevin is always very kind to us and even his mother!! I recommend it to the lawyer with my eyes closed!
Zenaido Gonzalez
posted 7 months ago
Un excelente trabajo un poco tardado por mi petición o mi categoría pero al final ya tengo mis documentos
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An excellent job, a little delayed due to my request or my category but in the end I already have my documents
Lisbet Santin
posted 1 years ago
marisol villanueva
posted 7 months ago
Excelente abogado ! Explica muy bien y responde a todas tus preguntas ! Mi esposo arregló súper rápido en 3 meses llegó su residencia ! Muy bueno !
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Excellent lawyer! He explains very well and answers all your questions! My husband arranged it super quickly, in 3 months his residence arrived! Very good !
Paula Munoz
posted 8 months ago
Gino and his team are super great! I have no words to explain how Gino has had the PATIENCE in the world with me😂, I had the one and a million questions and he always come around and answers them for me, we have an going case and the person who gathers and process our applications is Edis and that girl has a talent! She is very organized and smart. I’m very thankful for Gino’s team 👏🏽
ana alvarado
posted 8 months ago
Antoni Acostacevedo
posted 9 months ago
Nora Zavala
posted 10 months ago
Exelente Abogado, todo el Staff con calidad de atencion.Amables y Servicial, Muchas Gracias por toda la ayuda que nos brindaron,Estamos Super Feliz y Agradecidos
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Excellent Lawyer, all the Staff with quality attention. Friendly and Helpful, Thank you very much for all the help you gave us, We are Super Happy and Grateful
posted 10 months ago
Dani Elle
posted 11 months ago
Great immigration lawyer. He's very straightforward and opened about any questions you have. Our immigration process was smooth. The entire team is very helpful. Highly recommend.
posted 11 months ago
El mejor abogado!! Sin duda alguna, super feliz y contenta con su trabajo. Gracias . recomendadisimo fui aprobada sin entrevista rapidisimo.. 🙌🙌
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The best lawyer!! Without a doubt, super happy and content with her work. Thank you . Highly recommended, I was approved without an interview very quickly.. 🙌🙌
Diego S Crovetto
posted 12 months ago
Excellent!!! Do not hesitate to trust him. Attorney Gino M. and his team have handled the cases of my family members with success and in record time, with high professionalism, always attentive to our queries, keeping us informed instantly, explaining in detail every step of the process, offering the best recommendations, punctual and neat, 100% recommended.
Exelente!! no dude en confiar en el. El Abogado Gino M. y su equipo han llevado los casos de los miembros de mi familia con exito y en tiempo record, con alto profecionalismo, simpre atentos a nuestras consultas, manteniendonos informados al instante, explicandonos a detalle cada paso del proceso, ofreciendonos las mejores recomendaciones, puntuales y prolijos, 100% recomendado.
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Excellent!!! Do not hesitate to trust him. Attorney Gino M. and his team have handled the cases of my family members with success and in record time, with high professionalism, always attentive to our queries, keeping us informed instantly, explaining in detail every step of the process, offering the best recommendations, punctual and neat, 100% recommended.
Excellent!! Don't hesitate to trust him. Lawyer Gino M. and his team have handled the cases of my family members successfully and in record time, with high professionalism, always attentive to our queries, keeping us informed instantly, explaining each step of the process in detail, offering us the best recommendations, punctual and neat, 100% recommended.
Josua Contreras
posted 1 years ago
La oficina de Gino mesa super Atentos , Edis mil gracias por todo lo que hace muy eficiente en su trabajo les doy un 100 buen servicio.
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Gino Mesa's office is super attentive, Edis, thank you very much for everything you do very efficiently in your work, I give you 100% good service.
Ana Hernandez
posted 1 years ago
Muy bien servicio! Explica muy bien el abogado todo el proceso! Se lo recomiendo
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Very good service! The lawyer explains the entire process very well! I recommend it
Isabel Diaz
posted 1 years ago
I currently have a case with the lawyer Gino Mesa. I am petitioning my spouse and they are outstanding staff in particular Edi’s. She is very communicative and always is so nice on the phone and answers all my questions in a professional matter . I recommend this law firm 100%.
Lupita Montes Martinez
posted 1 years ago
These people really helped with my USCIS case. I worked closely with Edis, 100% recommended for every question I had. Top tier service!
Seilin margoth Lemus tabora
posted 1 years ago
Muy agradable el ambiente y la atencion muy buena agradecida por sus atenciones. Y ya recibi mi residencia
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Very pleasant atmosphere and very good attention, grateful for your attention. And I already received my residency
Ronal Ferrera
posted 1 years ago
Maura Salazar
posted 1 years ago
Muy exelentes abogados
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Very excellent lawyers
Mirna Lopez
posted 1 years ago
El abogado G. Mesa me ayudado bastante! Les recomiendo este abogado para cualquier caso migratorio. Son bien amables y nos ayudaron paso a paso con el caso de mi esposo.
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Lawyer G. Mesa helped me a lot! I recommend this lawyer for any immigration case. They are very kind and helped us step by step with my husband's case.
Lee Muniz
posted 1 years ago
Finding the right attorney to guide you through the complicated immigration process is the most important step you will take. I highly recommend Immigration attorney Gino Mesa and his staff.
Mr. Mesa is a very qualified immigration attorney with integrity, who is straight forward, honest, experienced and hard working. His fees are probably the most reasonable in the Houston area. Don't be fooled & ripped off by attorneys who will tell you what you want to hear or give you false hopes. Mr. Mesa has represented several family members and are completely satisfied with his services. My family and I will forever be grateful to Mr. Mesa and his entire staff for helping us, it was a very difficult case, and it took time, but they worked relentlessly until the end. God Bless you Mr. Gino and your staff and thank you for what you do for so many families.
chris s
posted 1 years ago
A close family member had a complicated immigration case that had some obstacles to overcome. Mr. Mesa and his team was with us every step of the way and explained the options and carried out a course of action. They fought for us and won! My family member now has permanent residency, and it would not have been possible without Mr. Mesa and his team. Highly recommend!
Julissa Palma
posted 1 years ago
Muy agradecida con ellos x todo el apoyo que me brindaron en mi caso y en menos d 6 meses obtuve mi permiso y seguros para mi y mis hijos y al año gane mi caso de asilo 👌 los recomiendo mucho 👍
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Very grateful to them for all the support they gave me in my case and in less than 6 months I obtained my permit and insurance for myself and my children and a year later I won my asylum case 👌 I highly recommend them 👍
Griselda Avelar
posted 1 years ago
francisco lopez
posted 1 years ago
Jose Fuentes
posted 1 years ago
Ecelente Muybien Yo Lorrecumiendo Ecelente Abogado
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Excellent Very good I Lorrecumiendo Excellent Lawyer
Araceli Jimenez
posted 2 years ago
Oresthes Cruz
posted 2 years ago
milagro najarro
posted 2 years ago
Good communication and service
Esther Fuentesz
posted 2 years ago
Amiry Rios
posted 2 years ago
Pésimo servicio lean los reviews antes no lo contraten solo quita dinero y alarga tu caso para que pagues mas, y se equivocan a cada rato en mi caso de inmigración se equivocaron 2 veces x poco y pierdo mi caso estuve 4 años con el y nuca pudo arreglarme, cambié de abogada a Garza & Associates y en un año arreglé
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Terrible service, read the reviews first, do not hire him, he only takes money and extends your case so that you pay more, and they make mistakes all the time in my immigration case, they made mistakes twice a little and I lost my case, I was with him for 4 years and he never could fix myself, I changed lawyers to Garza & Associates and in a year I fixed
jose daniel castillo
posted 2 years ago
Ashley Michelle
posted 2 years ago
Roberto Martinez
posted 2 years ago
Excelente servicio, rapidez y compromiso. Muy agradecido por su atencion y pronta respuesta. Desde El Salvador muy recomendado.
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Excellent service, speed and commitment. Very grateful for your attention and prompt response. From El Salvador highly recommended.