
Abogado Inmigracion Houston Varela Law

4.5 out of 5 stars
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    Karen Pena

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted a week ago

    Excelente abogado y equipo profesional Arleth me ayudo con mi divorcio, siempre pendientes de mi caso y cualquier consulta ellos contestan rapido. Ahora el abogado me va ayudar con otros procesos, la verdad los recomiendo mucho, el y su equipo de trabajo ayudan a despejar las dudas, guiarnos y llevarnos a tomar buenas decisiones. Muchas gracias 🙏 (Translated by Google) Excellent lawyer and professional team Arleth helped me with my divorce, always attentive to my case and any questions they answer quickly. Now the lawyer is going to help me with other processes, the truth is that I highly recommend him, he and his team help clear up doubts, guide us and lead us to make good decisions. Thank you very much 🙏

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    5 out of 5 stars

    posted a week ago

    Buenas tardes, quiero expresar mi enorme agradecimiento al abogado Mario a Teresa en general a todo su equipo, excelente trabajo , hoy logró cerrar mi corte de emigración, no duden en contratarlo maravilloso profesional. (Translated by Google) Good afternoon, I want to express my enormous gratitude to the lawyer Mario and Teresa in general to his entire team, excellent work, today he managed to close my immigration court, do not hesitate to hire him, a wonderful professional.

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    Luis Yuniel Morejon Rionda

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 1 months ago

    Yo soy testimonio de que Mario Varela y Teresa Diaz hacen el mejor equipo de inmigraccion en Houston, TX. Yo fui cliente de Mario Varela y mi corte me la cerraron aun antes de que llegara a tener la primera. Mi residencia permanente a traves del ajuste cubano la recibi en tan solo 4 meses. Y son muy honestos, te hablan con la verdad en la mano. Realmente estoy muy agradecido y en especial con Teresa. Gracias. (Translated by Google) I am a testimony that Mario Varela and Teresa Diaz make the best immigration team in Houston, TX. I was a client of Mario Varela and they closed my court even before I had my first one. I received my permanent residence through the Cuban adjustment in just 4 months. And they are very honest, they speak to you with the truth in hand. I am really very grateful and especially to Teresa. Thank you.

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    Yasirt Linarte

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 4 months ago

    Estoy sumamente agradecido con el abogado Mario Varela y Teresa diaz, personas muy profesionales y honrados, gracias por ser tan comprensivos conmigo y por toda su ayuda en todo momento, me resolvieron un caso que lo creí casi imposible y en poco tiempo, para las personas que buscan un abogado de que los defienda puedo recomendarlos al 100% (Translated by Google) I am extremely grateful to the lawyer Mario Varela and Teresa Diaz, very professional and honest people, thank you for being so understanding with me and for all your help at all times, they resolved a case for me that I thought was almost impossible and in a short time, for the people who are looking for a lawyer to defend them, I can recommend them 100%

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    AitanaLuna EstradaTorres

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 6 months ago

    Podría decir que casi perfecto muy amables con migo y sobre todo muy comprensibles la señor Teresa un amor de persona el abogado me hizo asta dos años de espera para el pago y es algo que agradezco mucho nunca me dejaron de ayudar gracias por todo a ellos (Translated by Google) I could say that almost perfect, very kind to me and above all very understandable, Mr. Teresa, a loving person, the lawyer made me wait up to two years for payment and it is something that I greatly appreciate, they never stopped helping me, thank you for everything to them

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    Noemy Palacios

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 8 months ago

    A todas las personas que necesitan los servicios de un abogado de inmigración les recomiendo al abogado Mario Varela ya que es un profesional dedicado a su trabajo para ayudar a migrantes a obtener sus permisos pata vivir legalmente en EE.UU, yo contrate sus honorarios y ya obtuve mi asilo político en este país cabe mencionar tiene un excelente equipo de trabajo muy capacitado y realizan un excelente trabajo, ya que están en constante comunicación con su cliente, también Teresa quien trabaja con el es una profesional muy dedicada en lo que hace y sus asistentes, Angélica y Alberto en fin son un excelente equipo de trabajo y no es complicado comunicarse con ellos porque todos hablan español. Les recomiendo a contratar sus servicios para que los ayude a obtener su estabilidad legal en EE.UU. Att. Alicia P (Translated by Google) To all people who need the services of an immigration lawyer, I recommend lawyer Mario Varela since he is a professional dedicated to his work to help migrants obtain their permits to live legally in the United States. I hired his fees and that's it. I got my political asylum In this country it is worth mentioning that they have an excellent, highly trained work team and they do an excellent job, since they are in constant communication with their client. Teresa, who works with him, is also a very dedicated professional in what she does and her assistants, Angélica and Alberto, in short, is an excellent team and it is not difficult to communicate with them because they all speak Spanish. I recommend that you hire their services to help you obtain legal stability in the US. Att. Alicia P

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    Ana jassira Laguna

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 8 months ago

    Hoy 06 07 24 éstoy muy contento con mis abogado Mario varela por representarme en mi corte y ala abogada melania blandon por ganar mi petición de asilo en los Estados Unidos los recomiendo (Translated by Google) Today 06 07 24 I am very happy with my lawyer Mario Varela for representing me in my court and my lawyer Melania Blandon for winning my request for asylum in the United States I recommend them

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    Jairo Ruiz

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 8 months ago

    Buen servicio para la comunidad hispana, el contacto se logro con el equipo de flavio jimenez, tramite realizado: Trust o fideicomiso (Translated by Google) Good service for the Hispanic community, contact was made with Flavio Jimenez's team, procedure carried out: Trust or trust

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    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 10 months ago

    Trámite mi residencia y gracias a dios hicieron un buen trabajo recomendado abogado varela (Translated by Google) I processed my residency and thank God they did a good job, recommended lawyer Varela

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    Yerenni Rodríguez

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 10 months ago

    Recomiendo a Mario Varela y su equipo de trabajo 100%. Desde el día uno que agarraron mi caso estuvieron trabajando en el, me hablaban todos los día y estuvieron pendientes hasta hoy que Mario cerró mi corte de emigración. Muy atentos , amables y súper profesionales.Gracias Mario 🙏 (Translated by Google) I recommend Mario Varela and his work team 100%. From day one they took my case they were working on it, they spoke to me every day and they were pending until today when Mario closed my immigration court. Very attentive, kind and super professional. Thank you Mario 🙏

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    Lisbet Santana Rodriguez

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 12 months ago

    Hola me llamo Lisbet Santana Rodriguez mi experiencia con el Abogado Mario Valera fue muy buena y su Secretaria Tereza Diaz muy buen servicio de verdad muy buenas personas en 2 meces u medio tuve mi residencia sin ningún tipo de problema se los agradesco (Translated by Google) Hello, my name is Lisbet Santana Rodriguez, my experience with the Lawyer Mario Valera was very good and his Secretary Tereza Diaz, very good service, really, very good people. In 2 or a half months I had my residence without any type of problem. I appreciate it.

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    Anna Araguz

    1 out of 5 stars

    posted 12 months ago

    At first everything was awesome. One of his assistant was very cordial and attentive in reaching out and said they will do their best to help my nephew. At the end lawyer said no his case had no argument and it was foreseen we could not do anything for him. So this means he knew he was not able to do anything for my nephew why give us hope. Lawyer just lied to our face.

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    Jorge L Garcia

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 1 years ago

    Attorney Mario Varela was very professional and effective with my case, thank you so much

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    Maria Covarrubias

    1 out of 5 stars

    posted 1 years ago

    He is not a good lawyer. They just take your money

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    Roberto Gonzalez

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 1 years ago

    Muy buen servicio por parte de el abogado Mario Y sus asistentes muy profesional en todo momento me ayudo con una demanda civil Lo recomiendo 100% (Translated by Google) Very good service from the lawyer Mario and his assistants, very professional at all times, helped me with a civil lawsuit I recommend it 100%

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    Yevgine Vardanyan

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

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    Diego Gotthelf

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

    I went to Mario because I had a very difficult immigration issue with my son and an uncooperative ex wife. Mario gave me great advice, which I followed through and now my son is finally a US citizen. I can’t recommend him enough in English or Spanish. ¡Gracias, Mario!

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    Milton Knapp

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

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    Alexander Andrade

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

    Muy amable me aclaro todas mis dudas (Translated by Google) Very kind, he clarified all my doubts.

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    Elizabeth D. Clifton

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

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    Adam Backler

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

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    María Chavarría

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 2 years ago

    I called The Law Office of Mario Varela PLLC hoping to get his assistant to get in touch with me the next day; however, Mario personally returned my call right away. I asked him several questions regarding my visa status and as he went through each answer, I could see his expertise in this field. He is direct and on-point. His advice will definitively have an impact in my future decisions. I highly recommend Mario Varela to anyone who needs an outstanding, knowledgeable and reliable attorney. I appreciate your help, Mario!

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    Luz Mouton

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

    Excelente atención, muy profesional, tarifas asequibles. Lo recomiendo! (Translated by Google) Excellent service, very professional, affordable rates. I recommend it!

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    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

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    Melanie Taveras

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

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    Lily Castro

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

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    David Morris

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

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    Wilson Murillo

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

    Exelente servicio muy buen abogado 100% confiable y recomendado (Translated by Google) Excellent service, very good lawyer, 100% reliable and recommended

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    Nora Tena

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

    Mario siempre es accesible para responder todas mis dudas acerca de inmigración, está actualizados de todas las normas migratorias. Su precio por el servicio es justo. Sin duda lo recomiendo. (Translated by Google) Mario is always accessible to answer all my questions about immigration, he is up to date with all immigration regulations. Their price for the service is fair. I definitely recommend it.

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    Yesenia Ramirez

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 3 years ago

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    Darksoul lady

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 4 years ago

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    1 out of 5 stars

    posted 4 years ago

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    amauri Velasquez

    1 out of 5 stars

    posted 4 years ago

    They are very unprofessional, they lied, and cheated us out of our money! Also never showed up for court or represented.

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    Arnold Lopez

    5 out of 5 stars

    posted 5 years ago

    Es con placer y orgullo que recomendó los servicios de mi colega Mario Varela. Su profesionalismo y sabiduría en las leyes migratorias son muy evidente. Como abogado y colega, me siento muy orgulloso en recomendar su servicios por que el siempre tenie un interés genuino en ayudar a el inmigrante. (Translated by Google) It is with pleasure and pride that he recommended the services of my colleague Mario Varela. His professionalism and wisdom in immigration laws are very evident. As a lawyer and colleague, I feel very proud to recommend his services because he always had a genuine interest in helping immigrants.